VB 6.0 code for Creating Excel

Unknown | 1:23 AM |

Firstly Add References:=Microsoft Excel 11.0 Object Library

Dim objExcel As New Excel.Application
Dim oWB As Excel.Workbook
Dim oWS As Excel.Worksheet

Function convertexcel()

Dim line As String
Dim Count As String
h = 2
Dim TextLine As String

Open filename For Input Shared As #1
Do While Not EOF(1) '// Loop until end of file.
Line Input #1, TextLine '// Read line into variable.
' use the TextLine herer...
line = TextLine

Close #1

'create excel file

Set oWB = objExcel.Workbooks.Add
Set oWS = oWB.Worksheets("Sheet1")

bname = oWB.Name
oWS.Cells.WrapText = False

oWS.Range("A1").Value = "Date"
oWS.Range("B1").Value = "Time"
oWS.Range("C1").Value = "Voltage(ERRU1)"
oWS.Range("D1").Value = "Current(ERRU1)"
oWS.Range("E1").Value = "Voltage(ERRU2)"
oWS.Range("F1").Value = "Current(ERRU2)"
oWS.Range("G1").Value = "Charging Current"
oWS.Range("H1").Value = "Discharging Current"
oWS.Range("I1").Value = "Alternator RPM"

dtlog = Split(line, "FE FF")
For k = 0 To UBound(dtlog) - 1
log = dtlog(k)

If k = 0 Then

Dim dlog() As String
dlog = Split(log, "FF")
log = dlog(1)

End If

datalg = Split(log, " ")
Count = UBound(datalg)

If Count <= 21 Then
If Count >= 18 Then

time = datalg(3) & ":" & datalg(2)
date1 = datalg(4) & "/" & datalg(5) & "/" & datalg(6)

If exdate = "" Then

exdate = date1


exdate = exdate & "," & date1

End If

If extime = "" Then

extime = time


extime = extime & "," & time

End If

If dtr = "" Then

dtr = date1


dtr = dtr + "," + date1

End If

oWS.Range("A" & h).Value = " " & Trim$(Trim$(datalg(4)) & "/" & Trim$(datalg(5)) & "/" & Trim$(datalg(6)))
oWS.Range("B" & h).Value = datalg(3) & ":" & datalg(2)

volt1 = HextoDec(datalg(7) & datalg(8))
vlt1value = Round((volt1 - 511) * 0.495, 2)

If vlt1value < 0 Then

vlt1value = 0

End If

cur1 = HextoDec(datalg(11) & datalg(12))
cr1value = Round((cur1 - 511) * 2.44, 2)

If cr1value < 0 Then

cr1value = 0

End If

volt2 = HextoDec(datalg(9) & datalg(10))
vlt2value = Round((volt2 - 511) * 0.495, 2)

If vlt2value < 0 Then

vlt2value = 0

End If

cur2 = HextoDec(datalg(13) & datalg(14))
cr2value = Round((cur2 - 511) * 2.44, 2)

If cr2value < 0 Then

cr2value = 0

End If

bcur = HextoDec(datalg(15) & datalg(16))
bcrvalue = Round((bcur - 511) * 2.44, 2)
freq1 = HextoDec(datalg(17) & datalg(18))
fr1value = Round((freq1 * 0.79) * 7.5)

If bcrvalue < 0 Then

bcrvalue = 0

End If

If fr1value < 0 Then

fr1value = 0

End If

oWS.Range("C" & h).Value = vlt1value
oWS.Range("D" & h).Value = cr1value
oWS.Range("E" & h).Value = vlt1value
oWS.Range("F" & h).Value = cr2value
oWS.Range("G" & h).Value = bcrvalue
oWS.Range("I" & h).Value = fr1value

h = h + 1

End If
End If
Count = ""

Next k

If Val(Application.Version) < 12 Then
'You use Excel 97-2003

FileExtStr = ".xls": FileFormatNum = -4143

'You use Excel 2007

FileExtStr = ".xls": FileFormatNum = 56

End If
TempFilePath = App.Path

TempFileName = "\Temp\All" & Hour(Now) & "-" & Minute(Now) & "-" & Second(Now)

oWB.SaveAs TempFilePath & TempFileName & FileExtStr, FileFormat:=FileFormatNum

oWB.close SaveChanges:=True

sfile2 = TempFilePath & TempFileName & FileExtStr


End Function


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