Find if a value exists in an Array in VB6.0

Unknown | 9:00 AM |


Option Explicit

Public Function IsInArray(FindValue As Variant, arrSearch As Variant) As Boolean
On Error GoTo LocalError
If Not IsArray(arrSearch) Then Exit Function
If Not IsNumeric(FindValue) Then FindValue = UCase(FindValue)
IsInArray = InStr(1, vbNullChar & Join(arrSearch, vbNullChar) & vbNullChar, _
vbNullChar & FindValue & vbNullChar) > 0
Exit Function
'Justin (just in case)
End Function


Private Sub Command1_Click()
Dim x(5) As String

x(0) = 5
x(1) = 100
x(2) = 2000
x(3) = 11
x(4) = 7
x(5) = 1010
MsgBox IsInArray(10, x)
End Sub


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